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Jacobins Pigeon

For years, Wim & Steven De Troy have consistently achieved a series of impressive performances. Their numerous national and provincial top prizes consistently result in high rankings in championships and rankings (ace pigeons). Exclusive pairings have been specially assembled for PIPA, resulting in an offering of unique quality that currently dominates and divides in Belgian pigeon racing. Of course, the super breeder Keesboer 863 plays a prominent role in this success.

Jacobins Pigeon

male 36961950

Father is ‘King Vierzon’, 1. Prov. Vierzon & breeder a/o 1. Fast. Melun

Mother is full sister to ‘Wonder Woman’, 1. Fast. Nat. La Souterraine 19,554 birds

- - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - -



Half-brother (same father) to ‘Cheese’

      1. Nat. Zone Argenton 1,707 birds / 2. Nat. 16,547 birds 2024

      1. Melun 3,450 birds / 1. Fast. prov. 12,207 birds

      59. Prov. Sermaises 13,368 birds … 40. Sermaises 1,444 birds …

Half-brother (same father) to ‘Lady Argenton’

      2. Nat. Zone Argenton 4,990 birds / 6. Nat. 16,496 birds

      84. Melun 2,090 birds … 919. Nat. Montluçon 14,104 birds

Half-brother (same father) to other winners a/o

      1. prov. Vierzon 470 birds … 122. Nat. Chateauroux 12,855 birds

      137. Nat. Chateauroux 15,322 birds … 265. prov. Chevrainvilliers 5,197 birds

      370. Nat. Argenton 19,592 birds … 144. Prov. Blois 2,661 birds

      455. Nat. Argenton 16,496 birds … 537. Nat. Bourges 28,551 birds

Half-brother (same mother) to ‘050/23’

      7. Noyon 545 birds … 199. Nat. Bourges 18,785 birds

      143. Fed. Sermaises 2,400 birds … 1011. Nat. Bourges 19,369 birds

Half-brother (same mother) to ‘023/22’

      148. prov. Sermaises 13,368 birds … 484. Nat. Argenton 22,869 birds



Winner of

      1. Fast. prov. Vierzon 3,020  birds

      130. prov. Gien 7,128 birds … 270. Nat. Issoudun 11,984 birds

      309. Nat. Bourges 10,173 birds … 507. Nat. La Souterraine 9,580 birds

      603. Nat. Argenton 13,730 birds … 836. Nat. Chateauroux 10,454 birds

Full brother to ‘Iron Man’, breeder of winners a/o

      1. Nat. Montluçon – 9,857 birds 2019 (‘Iron Lady’)

      1. prov. Souillac – 564 birds / 5. Nat. Zone – 1,988 birds / 23. Nat. – 6,668 birds

      9. prov. Bourges – 3,201 birds / 79. Nat. Zone – 6,920 birds (‘Iron Lady’)

      7. prov. Chateauroux – 2,394 birds / 22. Nat. Zone – 3,737 birds (‘Iron Lady’)

      6. Nat. Argenton – 9,847 birds … 65. Nat. Zone Libourne – 1,324 birds

      11. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 1,207 birds / 89. Nat. – 7,574 birds

      229. I.prov. Vierzon – 6,345 birds … 477. Nat. Bourges – 38,456 birds   

Full brother to ‘King Boudewijn’, breeder of winners a/o

      1. Nat. La Souterraine – 16,613 birds /1. Fast. Nat. – 19,554 birds

      3. Nat. Argenton – 23,286 birds 2020 (after 2 loftmates)

      56.-65.-etc. Nat.

Full brother to ‘Mary Poppins’, mother of winners a/o

      34. Nat. Argenton 23,280 birds … 1. Chevrainvilliers 2,646 birds

      4. Nat. Zone Tulle 1,214 birds / 26. Nat. 4,993 birds

      4. Nat. Zone Libourne 578 birds / 174. Nat. 2,992 birds

      4. Noyon 422 birds … 9. Noyon 458 birds … 12. Noyon 1,609 birds

      9. Melun 1,868  birds … 121. Nat. Argenton 18,837 birds

      191. Nat. Chateauroux 5,720 birds … 440. Nat. Chateauroux 13,096 birds

      488. Nat. Vierzon 18,710 birds … 500. Nat. Bourges 12,094 birds

      540 Nat. Issoudun 18,176 birds  … 631. Nat. La Souterraine 6,761 birds

      760. prov. Sermaises 13,368 birds …

Half-brother (same father) to ‘Den 092’

      34. Nat. Zone Montluçon – 6,083 birds / 61. Nat. – 17,865 birds 2012

      40. Nat. Zone Bourges – 24,676 birds / 58. Nat. – 24,676 birds 2011

      36. Nat. Zone Argenton – 3,740 birds / 130. Nat. – 11,001 birds 2011

      26. prov. Orleans – 3,325 birds … 9. Dourdan – 1,275 birds …

      5. Noyon – 752 birds … 16. Dourdan – 1,145 birds … 5. Noyon – 381 birds

      - Breeder of winners a/o

      2. Nat. acebird great middle distance KBDB 2017

      17. Nat. acebird small middle distance KBDB 2014

      19. Nat. acebird great middle distance KBDB 2016

      1. prov. Blois – 1,022 birds 2017

      3.-23.-25.-27.-40.-72.-79.-90.-94.-98.-102.-157.-etc Nat.

Bred from ‘Keesboer’ 863/09

      Super breeder

Bred from ‘Manuella’, sister to ‘Marianne’

      2. Nat. acebird great middle distance KBDB 2007



Winner of

      65. Nat. Issoudun – 14,758 birds 2021

      534. Nat. Bourges – 28,551 birds 2021

      14. Fay Aux Loges – 1,240 birds / 104. Fed – 7,756 birds 2020

Full sister to ‘Wonder Woman’

      1. Nat. La Souterraine – 16,613 birds /1. Fast. Nat. – 19,554 birds

Full sister to ‘Blue Wonder’

      3. Nat. Argenton – 23,286 birds 2020 (after 2 loftmates)

Full sister to other winners of a/o

      56. Nat. Bourges – 38,456 birds 2017

      104. prov. Fay Aux Loges – 7,756 birds 2020

      132. Nat. Bourges – 28,551 birds 2020

      372. Nat. Chateauroux – 20,789 birds 2020

From top breeder ‘King Boudewijn’, brother to other super breeders

      ‘Den 092’ & ‘Iron Man’ (see above)



Original Wim De Troy

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Pigeondex Exclusive

Breeder Results encompass the data and outcomes from a controlled breeding program, detailing the characteristics and qualities of the offspring produced. These results include information on traits such as health, physical attributes, behavior, and genet


Gender male
Eye color red
Date 2024-07-29
Web Link https://pigeondex.com


General characteristics

Place Impedit enim repell
Category 1
Distance Ut illo labore neces

Wing characteristics

Breeding feathers round and long
Feather medium and normal
Plumage normal plumage
Feathers soft
Secondaries regular
Suppleness supple
