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Wim & Steven De Troy (BE)

For years, Wim & Steven De Troy have consistently achieved a series of impressive performances. Their numerous national and provincial top prizes consistently result in high rankings in championships and rankings (ace pigeons). Exclusive pairings have been specially assembled for PIPA, resulting in an offering of unique quality that currently dominates and divides in Belgian pigeon racing. Of course, the super breeder Keesboer 863 plays a prominent role in this success.

Wim & Steven De Troy (BE)

male 52546115

Father is ‘Wout’, 1. Fast. Nat. Limoges 16,204 birds 2021

Mother is ‘Nafi’, 1. Nat. Argenton 9,851 birds 2021

- - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - -




Winner of

      1. local / 1. Prov. Limoges – 1,108 birds / 1. Nat. Zone 1,629 birds

            1. Nat. Limoges – 9,218 birds / 1. Fast. Nat. 16,204 birds 2021

      2. Noyon – 607 birds … 21. Noyon – 559 birds … 41. Noyon – 843 birds

Father of winners a/o

      28. Fed. Melun 2,049 birds … 80. Fed. Sermaises 2,701 birds

Grandfather of winner

      30. Nat. Argenton 18,837 birds 2023

Half-brother (same father) to ‘Cadisha’

      1. Nat. Zone / 5. Nat. Argenton – 13,393 birds

      46. Nat. Zone Chateauroux 1,773 birds / 77. Nat. 13,096 birds

      44. Nat. Zone Argenton 1,453 birds / 989. Nat. 17,210 birds

      486. Nat. Chateauroux 17,081 birds … 141. Melun 3,450 birds

Bred from ‘Wonderboy’, full brother to winners

      1. Nat. La Souterraine 16,613 birds 2016 (‘Wonder Woman’)

      3. Nat. Argenton 23,286 birds (after 2 loftmates) (‘Blue Wonder’)

      56. Nat. Bourges – 38,456 birds 2017

      104. prov. Fay Aux Loges – 7,756 birds 2020

      132. Nat. Bourges – 28,551 birds 2020

      372. Nat. Chateauroux – 20,789 birds 2020

Bred from ‘Lotus’

      14. Nat. Zone Argenton – 1,517 birds / 23. Nat.– 5,828 birds

      32. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 4,398 birds / 100. Nat. – 14,955 birds

      64. Nat. Zone Bourges – 8,989 birds / 234. Nat. – 28,078 birds

      148. Nat. Zone Bourges – 8,584 birds / 475. Nat. – 26,695 birds

      139. I.prov. Vierzon – 3,108 birds



Winner of

      1. Nat. Zone Argenton – 1,550 birds / 1. Nat. – 9,851 birds 2021

      5. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 5,432 birds / 20. Nat. – 15,322 birds 2020

      35. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 1,207 birds / 234. Nat. – 7,674 birds 2021

      43. Nat. Zone Issoudun – 2,048 birds / 168. Nat. – 14,758 birds 2021

      53. Nat. Zone Bourges – 9,844 birds / 162. Nat. – 28,551 birds 2020

      31. Nat. acebird great middle distance KBDB 2020

Mother of winner

      7. Nat. Zone Chateauroux 1,625 birds / 157. Nat. 13,852 birds 2023

      725. Nat. Argenton 18,837 birds 2023

Half-sister (same father) to ‘Malibu’

      20. Nat. Zone Argenton – 1,373 birds / 84. Nat. – 13,393 birds

Half-sister (same father) to other winners of a/o

      99. prov. Sermaises 7,852 birds … 100. Sermaises 2,701 birds

      121. Nat. Argenton 18,837 birds … 294. Nat. Bourges 28,446 birds

      170. Melun 2,850 birds … 434. Nat. Argenton 22,869 birds

      484. Nat. Argenton 22,869 birds … 598. Nat. Chateauroux 19,529 birds

Bred from ‘Mister X’, half-brother (same father) to ‘Miss Anvers’

      1. prov. acebird great middle distance KBDB 2021

      23. Nat. acebird great middle distance KBDB 2021

      3. prov. Montluçon – 2,078 birds / 23. Nat. – 14,104 birds 2019

      4. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 2,777 birds / 16. Nat. - 24,617 birds 2021

      6. Nat. Zone La Souterraine – 2,709 birds / 12. Nat. – 9,469 birds 2020

      7. Nat. Zone Argenton – 1,956 birds / 13. Nat. – 14,787 birds 2021

      23. Nat. Zone Bourges – 3,361 birds / 64. Nat. – 10,401 birds 2019

      27. Nat. Zone Vierzon – 1,413 birds / 116. Nat. – 8,410 birds 2021

      40. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 4,232 birds / 67. Nat. – 12,855 birds 2018

      87. I.prov. Vierzon – 8,008 birds 2021

Bred from ‘Moonshine’, full sister to winners a/o

      2. Nat. acebird great middle distance KBDB 2017

      17. Nat. acebird small middle distance KBDB 2014

      19. Nat. acebird great middle distance KBDB 2016

      1. prov. Blois – 1,022 birds 2017

      2. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 3,442 birds / 3. Nat. – 19,691 birds 2013

      4. prov. Bourges – 2,977 birds / 79. Nat. – 23,155 birds 2017

      9. Nat. Zone Montluçon – 3,631 birds / 157. Nat. – 19,298 birds 2014

      10. Nat. Zone Argenton – 3,967 birds / 27. Nat. – 13,730 birds 2017

      10. I.prov. Vierzon – 1,029 birds … 10. Prov. Gien – 7,128 birds

      11. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 7,877 birds / 40. Nat. – 25,710 birds 2015

      13. Nat. Zone Bourges – 2,197 birds / 90. Nat. – 7,479 birds 2016

      14. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 2,912 birds / 72. Nat. – 10,454 birds 2017

      14. Nat. Zone Tulle – 2,916 birds / 23. Nat. – 6,101 birds 2016

      15. Nat. Zone Argenton – 1,517 birds / 25. Nat. – 5,828 birds 2018

      23. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 1,231 birds / 102. Nat. – 4,203 birds 2019

      35. Nat. Zone Bourges – 4,284 birds / 98. Nat. – 14,496 birds 2015

      49. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 4,592 birds / 94. Nat. – 14,762  birds 2016

      1. Gien – 979 birds … 2. Chevrain – 1,737 birds … 6. Quievrain – 548 birds …

      1. Souppes – 841 birds … 2. Souppes – 524 birds … 3. Soupes – 816 birds

      3. Gien – 1,446 birds … 1. Noyon – 713 birds … 9. Noyon – 519 birds

      3. Souppes – 715 birds … 4. Souppes – 841 birds … 9. Souppes – 552 birds …

      2. Sourdun – 1,739 birds … 10. Souppes – 1,178 birds … 14. Souppes – 1,194 b.

      10. Sermaises – 970 birds … 5. Noyon – 559 birds …3. Noyon – 1,536 birds

      27. Melun – 1,826 birds … 32. Sermaises – 2,481 birds … 41. Chevrain – 2,434 b.

      Also 118.-130.-138.-138.-180.-183.-183.-189.-201.-211.-231.-240.-269.-272.-  

      275.-281.-307.-315.-370.-374.-414.- 439.-etc…

      From top pairing ‘Den 092’ x ‘Las Vegas’



Original Wim De Troy

Bidding ends


263 EUR

Latest bid by Pigeondex

Latest Bids

21-08-2024 263 EUR 52546115
18-08-2024 193 EUR 52546115
13-08-2024 192 EUR 52546115
13-08-2024 191 EUR 52546115
13-08-2024 190 EUR 52546115
11-08-2024 180 EUR 52546115
11-08-2024 170 EUR 52546115
11-08-2024 160 EUR 52546115
11-08-2024 150 EUR 52546115
11-08-2024 130 EUR 52546115
11-08-2024 121 EUR 52546115
11-08-2024 100 EUR 52546115
08-08-2024 92 EUR 52546115
08-08-2024 91 EUR 52546115
07-08-2024 90 EUR 52546115

Bred by:

Ashraful Islam


Pigeondex Exclusive

Breeder Results encompass the data and outcomes from a controlled breeding program, detailing the characteristics and qualities of the offspring produced. These results include information on traits such as health, physical attributes, behavior, and genet


Gender male
Eye color pearl (white)
Date 2024-07-29
Web Link https://pigeondex.com


General characteristics

Place Impedit enim repell
Category 1
Distance Ut illo labore neces

Wing characteristics

Breeding feathers round and long
Feather medium and normal
Plumage normal plumage
Feathers soft
Secondaries regular
Suppleness supple
